01752 225844 / 01822 854136 info@mikeleggett.co.uk

What We Do

Having established this business nearly thirty years ago I have a wealth of experience and an accumulated knowledge of all aspects of building and design.

As a father of three ( aged 17, 15 and 6) I can also understand how the changing needs of family life can necessitate alterations to your home.

I can draw plans for a variety of projects including:

Loft Conversions


New Buildings

Internal Alterations

External Modifications

I can also help with outline and detailed planning applications, building regulations and structural calculations.

Loft Conversions

I prepare plans for a great many loft conversions and work with many of the local loft conversion specialists.

The two major considerations in determining whether a loft conversion can be carried out are

  1. Is there sufficient headroom?
  2. Where can the staircase go?

Once this has been established, during my initial site visit, I can explain the other alterations required to complete a loft conversion. The majority of loft conversions do not require planning permission but they always require building control approval.


Many houses can benefit from an extension,either single or two storey. This can be on an existing garden or hard-standing or building over a garage or previous extension. Certain works, within strict limits, can be carried out without requiring planning permission, under what is known as permitted development.

I can advise on what is allowable under permitted development and also what is likely to be acceptable to planners if planning approval is necessary

Internal Alterations

If you have lived in your house for some time but find that it doesn’t meet your needs it may be that it requires internal remodeling, I can advise on ways to adapt the existing structure to your needs and where an extension, if necessary, might be most effective.

External Alterations

Simple external alterations can often radically transform the external appearance of a property. If you like your home on the inside but are not too keen on it’s external appearance then I can suggest ways to make changes and prepare the appropriate plans.

New Builds

I can advise on whether it is likely that planning permission can be gained for a particular site and then submit an application for either outline or detailed approval.

Need Help With Your Project?

Call us now on:

01752 225844 / 01822 854136